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Learn how you contribute to a healthy and safe workplace

Everyone has direct responsibility for health and safety as an essential part of their job. Regardless of their role or location, each person takes initiative on health and safety issues and works to solve problems and make continuous improvements.

The university’s Wellness at Work team has received questions about how and when hazard reporting should occur. Taimur Iqbal, Ontario Tech’s Environmental Health and Safety Officer, has provided some answers:

Q: Why is safety everyone’s responsibility?
A: One of the primary purposes of the Occupational Health and Safety Act is to facilitate a strong internal responsibility system (IRS). Everyone in the workplace, including employees, employers, supervisors and constructors, has a role to play in keeping our workplace safe and healthy. Visit the to learn how to respond to hazards in the workplace.

Q: What kinds of safety concerns should be reported?
A: Safety concerns such as slip/trip/fall hazards (wet floor or items stored in walking areas) or sprain/strain risk (poor ergonomics) are considered workplace hazards and must be reported through the .

Q: Who should complete the Hazard Reporting Form?
This form should be completed by any employee who identifies an unsafe work condition, act, or hazard. All health and safety concerns should be brought to the attention of the immediate supervisor in charge of the workplace or the employee. If there is a concern regarding facilities services or housekeeping, a service ticket should be submitted to

Q: Can you give us an example of how the IRS works?

A: During the holiday season, team members bring in holiday treats to share. If food is left out and not disposed of in the , rodents may appear, which can be a health hazard. If anyone sees rodents on campus, they should follow the and report this sighting to Facilities via the Service Desk. Pest control is then called to address the issue.

Q: Should accidents and injuries be reported too?
Yes. Please submit an within 24 hours of an accident or injury. It is preferred that the supervisor or dean of the injured person complete this form, although not essential.

Q: Where can faculty and staff find additional health and safety information?

A: The is a great resource; they’re also welcome to contact